Summer's Exit & How To Plan For Q4


Summertime is such a favorite season for so many of us; it's the time to catch up with our families and wind down from the year's momentum. It's the ideal entry to what we know in the business world as QUARTER 4. It's those last three months of the year that we're going into full gear getting ready to close it with a bang. Ideally, companies should plan each quarter to achieve objectives that align with their annual goals and the last one is so important because it's the home stretch to make the magic happen. That’s a lot of goals, a lot of alignment and a lot of planning to make it all work. But when everything comes together, and every decision is made with the end goal in mind, that said magic really does happen. The first step is to go in and evaluate all the fun you and your team have had in the past months leading up to now.


Using the past quarters as a guide, start planning the upcoming one by determining which goals will take priority and will make the biggest impression. This can be done as a companywide or an executive-team exercise -- whichever fits the company size and culture. We do suggest including all key players make the dials spin be included so the brainstorming process reaches all levels.

Make a collective list of everything the company should work to achieve by the end of the year. Then, go through the list and organize these objectives as first, second or third priorities and even go so far as to assign specific teams or departments to each set of tasks. Accountability will help achieve realistic and measurable results. This person or group is responsible for accomplishing that task or objective by the end of the next quarter.


Establish Accountability

To hold each "goal owner" accountable, create a weekly or bi-weekly breakdown of how his or her goal will be achieved. For example, say "John" is assigned to prioritize closing 50 new deals during Q4. Make goals that are clear and attainable but non-negotiable. Also, create a system to communicate progress and any delays. Our team uses Slack & Monday to create boards dedicated to specific projects where our team can stay updated and connected throughout our goal-seeking.



Hold a weekly meeting with your team members to review the progress of their priorities. Make a visual chart that shows the completion percentage and set up a happy dance for when goals are met. In this way, everything will be clear so everyone will understand the progress that's been made toward those goals. Early warning signs and red flags will be evident from a mile away, while there is still time to fix them. Communication really is key.

 The chart you prepare will also help team members to cheer one another on to reach their goals; that happy dance will start anytime now. Use this chart to show the connection of these priorities to the company’s larger goals, to remind everyone what they’re working toward. All success is always a collective effort.

 Prepping for the end of year efficiently is key to bringing all your hard work from the past year into full fruition. Chat to one of our admins to see where we can pick up any slack to get ready for a strong next quarter.


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